Golf Fitness
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Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 6:30
Saturday: 8:00 - 12:00

30 Seconds on Our Programs

Welcome to the GSF Program
The Golf Specific Fitness system is unlike any other golf fitness program available. The GSF Program caters to the professional as well as the amateur looking to improve the way they play and the way they feel.
The GSF Program is designed for the player that wants to perform their best. It is a physical and instructional program that elevates the golfer's playing ability while reducing the possibility of injury.
The GSF Program develops the individual's overall conditioning, strength, flexibility, and balance. Any golfer participating in the GSF Program will increase club head speed, range of swing motion, and improve balance and hand-eye coordination.
What does the Program Consist of?
• Strength and Resistance Training
• Core Training Program
• Developing Flexible Strength
• Cardiovascular Conditioning
• Complete Stretching Programs
• Nutritional Assessment


I have had Aaron train me for most of the summer. He was great. I improved my distance and handicap. I went from a 9 to a 6 in one month. I have not been able to train with Aaron for the last month and my handicap has slipped back to nine. He improved my flexibility and strength. He is also fun to work with because he keeps the work interesting.
-Roger Hansen, Owner, Hidden Creek Golf Club, NJ

"This is a great workout! Being a female, strengthening those core muscles and tightening that dreaded mid-section has been wonderful. As a Female GOLFER, this workout has helped me strengthen and center my golf swing, giving me better control, consistency and distance. Working with Aaron has been a joy! I highly recommend this workout for everyone!"
-Jane T, Hidden Creek Golf Club, NJ

"The GSF Program has improved my flexibility, strength & endurance. The improvement in my Golf Game this year is a direct result of the GSF regimen. I'm never bored with this workout!"
-Doug Fraser, Owner, Mays Landing

"Since I started with Aaron there has been a significant change in my strength, endurance & flexibility. His program is by far the best I have experienced. As an avid golfer I believe proper conditioning is an integral part of the sport. I highly recommend Aaron and his program to golfers at all levels and, for that matter, anyone else who is interested in getting into shape."
-Tony L
450 Bay Ave.
Somers Point NJ
Why are all programs golf and fitness together?
We want to give our students, as well as our staff, the best opportunity for success and satisfaction–our staff working together on all facets of your golf game, will give you the highest potential rate of success and return on your investment. Our fitness sessions are an extension of your golf lessons, further ingraining quality athletic movements and skills, in a less outcome biased environment.
What is golf-specific fitness?
We believe that the better the athlete, the greater potential they have to be a better golfer. This means that your program will focus on what will help make you a better athlete, so while for some people that may be more flexibility or stability training, for others there may be a greater focus on strength and power production. There are certain physical characteristics that will specifically help your golf game and we will do exercises in different positions and postures, but they will all ultimately make you a better overall athlete, not just a golfer!
Do you only offer golf specific fitness?
No, we work with athletes in all sports, as well as ‘corporate athletes’ who just want to feel and move better in their daily lives.
I am a beginner do I really need all of this? Will I know how to play golf at the end of my training?
While knowledge gained varies from person to person, our experience shows that beginning golfers will have a firm grasp of the Golf Swing and some really good knowledge on the rules and common practices of the game. Most people will be capable of making their way around the golf course upon the completion of our GSF program.
Who is this program for?
Golfers! You don't have to be a scratch or professional. It's for anyone who loves the game and wants to improve their body on and off the course.
What will this program do for me?
This program is designed to address your movement limitations and improve them through mobility, stability and strength. This allows you to hit it further, be more flexible and play pain-free golf.
How long will it take to see a difference in my golf game?
The length of time that your brain has taken to develop your current swing, and how engraved it’s become in your muscle memory, impacts a lot. So this question really depends on how frequently and consistently you work on your new corrective exercises and workouts.
Are there any age restrictions?
All ages are welcome to participate. While we welcome junior golfers, we ask that they are monitored after class by parents or have adult supervision.
I have never played golf. Is The GSF Program a good choice for me?
Yes. The curriculum at Golf Specific Fitness is designed to help players of all abilities. From a relaxed environment to excellent individual instruction, The GSF has everything to offer to the golf enthusiast.
Will the instructors try to change everything about my game?
No. Our approach to improvement is to work with the skills you already possess while curing your faults and leaving you with the tools and knowledge to continue to progress while away from the program.
How much improvement can I expect by attending The Golf Specific Fitness Program?
Results will vary from student to student but we have helped students lower their handicap by 10 shots or more!
What happens in a golf lesson?
Our staff will sit down with you for a few minutes and discuss your game and what is currently happening on the course and in practice or if you are new to the game how to train to improve and have fun with golf. Once that is done we will get to work using video or data from our simulators or other technology or training aids to get your game moving in a positive direction toward improvement.